Hmm..I guess I didn't try a big enough file for my testing. I don't have a CD burner on my laptop, so I can't test this, but here is another method that was reported as succesful:
In sonic stage, set your temp folder to c:CONVERT or something you can easily get to. (tools, options, creating a CD)
put in a blank cdr
select the tracks you want to copy
select create CD from the "controls" menu
when the progress bar gets to about 75%, and the filesize of the largest .TMP file (or files) stops growing, quickly copy them to somewhere else.
rename the large .TMP files to .WAV files.
Protection gone.
Someone want to give it a go? I think you can check "test only" and it won't waste your CD-R. It doesn't sound foolproof by any means, but if we can get it working at all I'd at least be happier about this whole thing.