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Everything posted by koninc

  1. jadeclaw. Thanks for clearing that up before I blew 30 bucks. Well, thats annoying. Im not too worried because I bought the NH1 predominantly for mobile sampling, but I had hoped to use it when I was on the road as well... might have to buy an IPod or something which charges over usb. I spend an average of 2 months in every 5 travelling internationally... if I have to bring the cradle it is only going to get broken, lost, etc. Jadeclaw: What I'm getting at is exactly what you say: it has to be charged INTERNALLY, via a 12v connection to the MD. In the case of charging, you have to use a 12v plug. Well, USB is 12v all the way... Its proven because the MD player is powered by it when connected. So why on EARTH does it not charge? Seems a really foolish cut-corner. Anyway. Enough rant.
  2. Hmm, are you sure it works on the NH1? The top three hits on google for BC-7HT: http://www.planetminidisc.com/bc-7ht.html http://www.minidisco.com/bc-7ht.html and http://www.audiocubes.com/product_info.php...?products_id=84 Do not mention either NH1 compatibility nor the Li Ion battery that came with my NH1. IS there a new model or something else? Surely it should be possible to charge over usb!!? grr!
  3. Hey all, I just got myself an NH1 from Japan, then went on to further travels. I sent home the charging cradle, because I was under the impression that I could charge the thing via the USB cable which you use to transfer music. So, after about a week, I have a dead HiMD, and a sinking feeling that for the rest of this trip, i am without audio. Not good. Is it just me that thinks it is the height of foolishness to POWER the HiMD over USB but not CHARGE it!? (I can plug it in and transfer songs, but as soon as I remove the cable, it goes back to its dead battery) This seems to be the dumbest thing ever done. Anyone have any comments on this? In the short term, I need to find some way to charge it up. Are there battery chargers which work with these Li Ion batteries? Thanks koninc
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