I think we've got to read the writing on the wall that's been there ever since flash memory came down in price: Disks are dying. CDs, DVDs, HDs, MDs are going to go the way of the dinosaur eventually. Floppies have basically been killed off and except for a few exotic or ancient applications, they are basically useless in today's IT world. DVDs and the new DVD standard whatever that ends up being, will probably make it for another 20 years. I can't see hard drives lasting long once flash or some other memory starts getting cheap and reliable enough to deploy in 10 to 100GB sizes. The party was fun while it lasted. Too bad Sony couldn't get this done right. They freaking **created** portable audio! Some people still say, "walkman" when they mean portable audio device. They didn't take any cues from their Playstation marketing department. If they did, the MDs with all their faults would be the defacto standard instead of ipods. Soooo, no iPod for me(too expensive), but definitely an "eBay-able" item now.