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  1. Well...didnt work... Lets resume: I have Brazilian Windows SS Japanese version Installed I want a SS English version..but when I try to install the English SS...it says...cannot install for this windows lenguage Any1 has more helps?
  2. well..i got the SonicStage...but it says when i try to instal: cannot install for this Windoes lenguage.... maybe bc my windows is Brazilian vers?
  3. hmm....thx im checking the site...i recorded a met in Net md...but it was in SP..and i want it in LP4...as i dont understand the sonic stage i dunno how to change it from sp to lp4
  4. Well...i bought the mz-nh1 md from japan...and i got the sonicstage in japanese...is there a way to change it to an english version? And I need to record a md in lp4 to my friend..using my Hi-md...how do i do that?? as sonicstage in japonese and i dont understand nething..help me plz
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