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  1. no clue, i want a md reciever, but i want to know more about them, do you know much ?? what i want to know is, if i make a disc originally using mp3 format, will it work on the head unit? if you can't answer that, no prob.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...sspagename=WDVW
  3. i too am curious about these, i'm looking to purchase one, but i'm not too sure if i can burn mp3's onto a disc and it be compatible....does anyone know???
  4. hey people, well i'm new in here, not to the md world. however i accidently threw away my sony md mz-nf610 charger....does anyone have one of these to sell?
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