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  1. I refer to my post of Apr 7 2006, reading as follows: side note: while it was initially believed that, as a 'special version', 'black' RH1 would be available only through Sony's WEB shop here, a reliable source said that Sony changed their mind. Both 'silver' and 'black' will be equally available at retailers. I have to correct + advise that 'black' RH1 are available only through Sony Style (i.e., Sony's WEB shop) I would also add that Sony Style now stopped accepting purchasing order for 'black' RH1 temporally, due to their production line can't catch up with orders.
  2. Import? hmmm ... sorry, but have no idea. I live in Tokyo and have often been asked by people living in the other countries whether Japanese retailers who can arrange shipments to overseas exist. As far as I know, no retailers here take purchasing orders from foreign countries ... probably due to low profitability (or language barrier?) side note: while it was initially believed that, as a 'special version', 'black' RH1 would be available only through Sony's WEB shop here, a reliable source said that Sony changed their mind. Both 'silver' and 'black' will be equally available at retailers.
  3. RH1 will be available on and after 21 April in Japan. List price is Yen39800 and while street price is still unclear, some smaller retailers (i.e., WEB-based on-line retailers) offer Yen35000, which is equivalent to approx. US$302.00, as of this writing and is probably going down further towards the end of this month. If you're coming to Tokyo, I'd recommend duty-free section of LAOX in Akihabara. http://www.laox.co.jp/english/audios/porta...lkman_list.html
  4. As seen in the separate threads of this forum, similar discussion is going on in the relevant BBS here in Japan regarding the future of Hi-MD. While both optimistic and pessimistic views could be seen here, I'd like to have your comments especially popularity of Hi-MD in your country. How many Hi-MD users are there?? As you may be already aware, Japan has been heavily hit by iPod and number of users thereof is growing rapidly. But in the meantime, we Hi-MD users/lovers see bright tommorow with MZ-RH1. Thanx in advance
  5. tremo


    Overview: http://www.ecat.sony.co.jp/audio/walkman/p...23935&KM=MZ-RH1 pic 1: http://www.ecat.sony.co.jp/audio/walkman/i...Z-RH1&PCT=22260 pic 2: http://www.ecat.sony.co.jp/audio/walkman/i...Z-RH1&PCT=22261
  6. Hi kurisu, thanx for your suggestion. I'm from Tokyo .... can datavis arrange shipment to Tokyo? MZ-NH900 are being sold as 'export' model, only at the duty-free shops here at about US$300 (or over). Major retailers here now sell MZ-NH1 at the same price range, so I am able to get a MZ-NH1 if I wish. But, I don't think I can live with a MZ-NH1 without my mom's farsighted glasses.
  7. Hi there, They sell MZ-NH900 at fairly reasonable price. Are they good, or ?? Any input will be great, Thanks! http://www.bndonline.com/adnet1/index.html
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