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Everything posted by lkdog

  1. Well, I noticed that the song titles were transferred which was cool. What should I be aware or concerned about with DRM info?
  2. Installed SS 2.2 tonite. Ripped a couple cd's and then transferred them to MD with no problems once it got going. Software is clumsy and not intuitive but works. Certainly faster than the real time recording I used to do. Quick question: Is the sound quality compromised when the CD is ripped to the OMG file and then converted again to the ATRAC 132 kbs file on the MD unit versus being recorded in real time from a home CD deck optical out to the MD unit to the ATRAC 132 kbs?
  3. OK, I have done some reading here and went through the stickies. It sounds like the preferred software to use is SonicStage 2.2 and I should have my Windows XP Pro SP2 updates all installed and up to date. Simple Burner is not needed to record at more than real time. If this is wrong route to go-somebody let me know before tonight as I want to try out the NetMD recording process. Any downsides to using SonicStage??
  4. Oops, just saw this sticky: http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=4171 Will read this and probably be back with more questions. Feel free to jump in if you have an opinion here.
  5. Just got a new MZ-N510 to replace my old MZ-R500 that died after a few years and several drops on the gym floor:( My question is what software is the best to use for transferring files from a PC to the MD unit in more than real time. My typical routine with the old MD unit was real time recording through optical straight from my home CD player. CAn you transfer straight from the computer CD player to the MZ-N510 without first ripping the CD to WMA or .WAV? WHat software is best-I am confused by Soundstage versus Simple Burner versus OMG??? Sorry if this is basic stuff. Finally, where can I get the most recent least buggy version of the preferred software as opposed to what came in the package with my unit. Thanks for your guidance, or referral to a link.
  6. Ok, I get it. Very creative. My decision right now is between a used MZ-R500 (20-40$), a cheap NetMD version like the MZ-N510CK(60-90$), or going over to the dark side and getting a Dell 15G Digital jukebox which is 149$ now at Dell.
  7. Hmm.. Lots of MZ-R500's on Ebay right now. Looks like they go for 20-50$ used.
  8. "Also, an R500 can be hacked to unlock many useful features present on higher-end models. So IMHO, it *IS* worth to get another unit. Good luck." What might those be? "Also, if you do seek a used unit, what's the maximum budget?" Oh, 100$ or so.
  9. Thanks guys. I will look into another unit. There is a place here in town that is a Sony service center. I will see what their estimate is, but a cheap used one might be the route to go.
  10. I have a Sony MZ-R500 that I have enjoyed very much over the past three years. I have unfortunatley dropped it a few times at the gym. It has recently not been staying shut tight enough to keep playing the disc and keeps resetting itself and will not play. Is this worth getting fixed and where does one send it? The actual audio playing/recording is fine-the door mechansim is screwed up royally it appears. Is there a manual somewhere that might guide me to try and fix it myself? I live in USA-Iowa. Also, any recommendations for a similar unit if repairing is not worth it? I have not kept up on the newer models at all. I would even buy another MZ-R500 but don;t know if they still seel them. Sorry if these questions have been asked before, just not sure what to do other than buy a new unit or used unit, or switch over to an MP3 player. Oh-and glad I found this forum-the other ones I used to use are kind of dead now.
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