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  1. andrewdc

    NH900 vs NH1

    Hi folks I want to transfer my 600-some CDs to a permanent digital storage system that is portable but that I can also easily use to play through a line-in stereo. Of course, being able to download mp3s would be nice as well, and being able to record live may turn out to be an added bonus someday. I've really only done research on MD. Would the NH900 and NH1 be my best option? Have folks tested out other hard-drive-type brands? What is the big difference, outside of AA compatibility, between the two? Also, is it possible to backup disks? As in, can you easily record what's on a 1GB Hi-MD disc to another Hi-MD disc? Haven't seen that discussed anywhere. Thanks for any feedback at all - sorry if my questions are rudimentary or posted in the wrong place ....
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