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Everything posted by SidCamel

  1. Thanks a lot for the info, man.... A real shame, though... Now, the question would be: is firmware on current Hi-MD models flashable/upgreadable/rewrittable?!?!?!?! Could that mean native MP3 support someday? Regards, and thanks again, bud ~^^
  2. Hi, there Say, Marcnet... Could there be a way to, some day, upload via USB original MD (SP Mode, 292 Atrac) recordings to the computer using a Hi-MD recorder? Would digital source recordings be uploadable? How about microphone recordings? Or should we discard all of those options FOREVER because technically there's not a chance in the world to do that? Should we keep on transfering 1x thru the sound card or should we hold those recordings for transfering them digitally later?
  3. I was wondering... Can there be -technologically speaking- a transparent Hi-MD cartridge?... If one opens a Hi-MD, the upper surface doesn't have that mirror-look we were used to... Is the new media, like, daylight-sensitive?
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