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  1. Seems like there may be a format problem with the recording on your pc...but if you use ImageDrive with Nero you can burn it that way. And Donna is quite right; Windows Media Player 10 will burn CD's for you.
  2. D'oh! Errr...ahh...yes, cheers for that, works fine now. embarrased newbie shuffles quietly away....
  3. Boy am i glad i found this place... Loathed Openmg; gave up trying usb transfer methods and went back to optical. Was impressed with Dino's aternative but Simple Burner 1 or 2 dont work on my pc (WinXP) Tried on different pc running Win98SE; same thing, fatal error/page faults when i try running it. Anyone got any clues? I spent hours looking through Sony/Msn help pages and got nowhere. sony MZ-S1
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