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Everything posted by kalel

  1. you are right i am being too harsh it dosent suck its just mediocre and nowhere close to an md. Ill tell you what sucks ...........bat life In the whole 1 year of mzn10 I never saw the thing die I am doing a bat test running at full vol and Ill post how long it ran for.
  2. I was using 132 kbps lp2 mode in mzn10 and now 192kbps in ipod.........but ipod sound sucks not rich can somone tell me why?
  3. I was an mzn10 user for a year, top unit of last years line. and I had that encription key error adn a 3 yaer warranty on it, so I traded it in for the mznh1............that was the plan but futureshop in canada dosent carry it so I had to take he ipod 4g 20 gig. 1. my minidisc came with a dock and remote 2. the ipod comes with nothing but 2 wires and a charger and crappy ass headphones well look ipod sounds really flat and crap I even bought the mdr71sl for my ipod and it dosent really save it, as for battery apple says its 12hr ........... it is if you dont touch it never press foward or back lol and if your vol is 50% but I am running my so called bat test for the ipod and its at full vol for past 2 hrs bat says its halfway down. I should hve known better than to get a prodcut from a company who thinks that the g5 is that fastest personal computer..................hahahah I miss my minidisc sniff sniff
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