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About redimon

  • Birthday 01/28/1966

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    MZ-N910, MZ-R500, CMT-M333NT

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I agree entirely. Down here in Australia the whole piracy issue is being blown out of proportion. Various surveys and statistical data confirm that while piracy is a minor problem, most consumers prefer to buy original commercial recordings. The problem is that companies like Sony spend so much money on developing media incapable of being copied that they pass the cost onto the consumer. Many consumers just can't afford the cost. When the average cost of a top 40 CD in Australia is AU$33+ (US$25, €20 or £14) is it any wonder that people would want to pirate the music, especially teenagers with less disposable income? Many people "try before they buy" by listening to pirated music before they decide to actually by original. If the cost of the original music wasn't so high in the first place I believe there would be fewer problems. If you treat customers like criminals, they'll act like criminals. As for the MD format, I still think its the best thing since sliced bread. I love my MD walkman and would use it in my car if the car stereo actually had a line in jack. I've tried using the Ipod FM transmitter but doesn't provide great quality. I'm left to using my MD player when I'm using public transport or vegging out. Love live the MD! (hopefully!!)
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