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Everything posted by azmodien

  1. I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions on these phones because I am not happy with the pair I just bought. I am not an audiophile by any means as I have been enjoying some cheapie buds until now. But these new Sonys dont even sound as good as my cheap $12 pair of Sony Fontopias. I was extremely disappointed with the performance after my first listen, the treble is EXTREMELY shrill and harsh with an overall distorted sound. They dont sound like they are defective, they just sound cheap. There is definately plenty of detail but the harshness of the treble makes me cringe. I tried using the larger plugs, but there is not much difference. They are definatley seated in my canals correctly. I am currently trying to burn them in. I have been playing them loudly for 48 hours straight through my Minidisc with a mix of different types of music. So far though, there is no noticeable difference. Does anyone have any experieces they could share? 48 hours seems like a good burn-in time, or at least enough to notice a difference. Any help is appreciated.
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