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  1. I watch all values of menu 0 1 2 4 7 and 9... and a lot of values are changed!!! almost all values mark by a "!!" in my text file are changed, but almost all other values are not changed... I have a lot of work this night or I return my unit on my shop... with a big reason " oh! I don't understand mister, but, this morning I put a MD in my unit and I watch ERROR EE, what is it??"
  2. don't press pause when your read "NV 921 PatVer" because it's killer for your unit my unit is dead... I press pause and if you re-read this value, your see "noPach". and when I put an MD in my unit I see "ERROR EE" ... that's end!
  3. Have you a link for this interesting info? and, kurisu, where are your values... Also I update my text file with VikingEP and Batman values...
  4. ok, I update my text file with your new link and values of dragon_MG ang Rysir, but I try to make the list of all characteristics and fonctions of each model HiMD to know which are the future functions has to upgrade... If you could help me, that would be sympathetic. Thanks
  5. Dragon_MG, you have a 600D! Can you send your values to compare it with values of other models? We haven't yet values of your model... And if somebody are interested by our resheach, go to your service mode and send your values...especially if you have a NH1! To find the good values and modify it to upgrade your model, we have need many list of values to be able to make comparisons. it would be well if we had 3 or 4 lists for each model. Tanks. Currently we have: NH600D -> 0 list NH600-> 2 lists Nh700 -> 1 list NHF800 -> 2 lists NH900 -> 1 list NH1 -> 0 list
  6. yes, I can see the same info HiMD1 protected RecRemain ---:-- free space 3.3MB HiMD1 unlocked RecRemain -00:40 (in hi-sp) free space 3.3MB HiMD1 protected + stikly tape (unlocked HiMD3 config) RecRemain ---:-- free space 3.3MB HiMD1 unlocked + stikly tape RecRemain -00:40 (in hi-sp) free space 3.3MB
  7. Cool, I test it this evening, I don't have with me a 1Go HiMD... I update my text file with your values. But, an other thing, I don't know if you have allready see that the MD and de HiMD media are physicaly diferent!! See the lock of media... on MD the first hole is full to write on MD and it's empty to protect your MD. the second hole is always empty... on HiMD the first hole is always empty en the second hole is full to write on HiMd and it's empty to protect it. I make a little test on a old reformated MD, I protect my MD and I stop the second hole with Scotch tape to copy the cogifuration of 1Go HiMD... I test to record on MD... and it's ok!! I hear the recorded sound (hi-sp)! The next test is to format an old MD with the 1Go config.
  8. heu.. sorry, I have write a bad explanation, the volume value on sevice mode haven't a link with the value of volume on clasical use of your unit. When you enter on sevirce mode, the volume value "AUDIO 111" is allways "1C" (28/30). If you change one of values 111 , 112 , 113 or 114 , if your watch this 4 values, you see the same value. This the same thing with values 122 and 124. If you one, the two are also changed. I hope that I was comprehensible.
  9. yes Dave, I see the same things... when I change a volume value on Audio menu, the unit remember it if you rest on sevice menu, if you quit menu, the value is lost. but I suppose that it's very useless four our goal.
  10. Hi, I am ok with you Dave, for your analyse of AUDIO menu, I test it yesterday. I have same result that you. but I can't test MIC input (I haven't it on my nh600) and also I can't test digital in, because I haven't optical cable. To understand the name of value, you can read an old service manual, besause a lot of value have the same name...
  11. Good work davew, I don't work on my MD today because my baterry is discharged I suppose that menu: - MD1 correspond to old MD 74 or 80, - HiMD1 correspond to old MD reformated in HiMD, - and HiMD3 correspond to new HiMD of 1Go. Are you agree with me? And also, I suppose that these 3 menus MD1, HiMD1 and HiMD3 are userless for our goal, what is the new fonctionnality that we can found in this menu of configuration of each media mode?? I don't know... In futur, if a 2Go HiMd media are avialable, ok, it's possible that these menus will became very interresting menus. People, what are news functionnality that you want add to your HiMD?? personaly, it's the "release" function, to have an more accuracy T-mark editing. I think that the effort will be focused on menus MANUAL, NV, NORADJ and, DESIGN.
  12. It is the goal of this topic, find an hack for MZ-NH models...no hack avialable yet!If you want participate at our research, send your service mode values For info, I update my compare text file. it is a file where you find all data that we found....the link is in my signature.
  13. Hi, good WE?? Well, I make a third text file to compare all values of all menus beetween the dawev's nhf800 and my nh600. We have 868 values, and we have 217 values that are diferente!! good luck to find the good values to change it... What is the name of hacked values on older MD? Bootsy, what is your manual exactly that you can post some extracts? edit: it's better with the text file link.... http://aoix.free.fr/himd/compare_all_values.txt
  14. If you can and if you have the time (lot of time)...YES, firstly the values of "design" menu and after, the values of all menus...Can you see values after 920 in "6 HiMD3" because me, I can't see it... but the actual big question is, what is the methode to save the hacked value?? and an other thing, this morning, I enter in service mode and I find a new screen (I don't know it), it's not the classical blinking screen on start of service mode... On this screen you can test all keys. you push on a key and the name of key show on screen. it's useless ok, but I don't know what I make to discover this screen I suppose that I make a bad sequence?? but if you open the door of you MD, you return to the classical blinking screen. Hackers, if you know what is the methode to acceded a this screen, post a post....lol
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