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Everything posted by Topsy-Turvy

  1. Well, I did a bunch more fidling today. I took the 1 GB Hi-MD disc that had sound dropouts, and initialized it again in Sonic Stage. After it was done initializing, I re-uploaded the 220 - LP2 tracks in the same order they were before. This was on an Althon 64 3000+ computer with 512 Ram and nothing else running in the background. Guess what? It's about the same with the dropouts. :wacky: I then took a brand new 1 GB Hi-MD that I bought earlier today, and wrote the same 220 - LP2 songs to it. Guess what? It's perfect! :grin: No dropouts on any of the same tracks that dropped out on the other 1 GB Hi-MD. Looks like it must be a media problem folks because nothing else changed here except a new 1 GB Hi-MD (unless I'm really missing something). I assume from this that approximately the last 100 megs area of my other 1 GB Hi-MD must have a problem. I had never completely filled that disc up until yesterday, and I hadn't noticed the dropouts till I did with all those LP2 files. I hope I can exchange the disc for another, and that this is an infrequent thing. Happy holiday everyone and thanks for your thoughts guys!
  2. I could have written this post myself! I'm brand new to minidisc. Bought my first one a Hi-MD MZ-NH600D earlier this month. Also purchased a Sony 33EL remote through eBay which works great with the unit. Never had any trouble with dropouts until last night. I loaded up a HI-MD with about 220 LP2 songs (never used LP2 before this) and afterwards noticed dropouts at certain parts of songs that lasted about 4 seconds, but the display showed the song was still playing. I did some testing and it looks like the dropouts can happen on any of the songs uploaded after about the first 200. So anything written on the HI-MD before 200 is fine. The thing is the dropouts happen with no movement at all to the player! I can set it down and it will skip on any song written after about 200. I figure it must be having trouble reading the last say 100 megs of the HI-MD when written in LP2? I tested my LP2 songs in Sonic Stage and they do not skip. I also tried deleting songs that had drop outs off the HI-MD and then re-uploading and even re-encoding and the same thing. Any LP2 song I upload to the HI-MD after the first 200 songs will skip. Unfortunately, I don't have another HI-MD to test this on. I'm gonna pick up another disc today. I was using 80 min disks formatted to HI with no troubles, although, I used HI-SP/LP and not LP2. Cadevil5 what encoding mode were you using? Was it LP2?
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