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Everything posted by re:charge

  1. first my apologies for not really posting much before. however. news of the MD format's possible demise is quite shocking to me. progression & the evolution of personal audio technology seems to have run a less than smooth path. to me it seems manufacturers are missing out on something big each time they 'skip' to something new. the thing is, dj's still play vynil & CD's are still great for instant 'buy & play'. but i always thought that CD's would become obsolete & that albums, & singles, etc etc would all move to MD format - the end consumer would have best of both worlds - music in large quantity, on a pocket sized unit, to be played on a pocket sized player. most people still like to get out of the house & go shopping, buy music... CD's are just too big in size (small in capacity). they like to have the material product in their hands, read the inlay card & the artwork... why was this not done on a larger scale with MD? i think we may later see these companies crying wolf over this. you can buy digital for your mp3 player but thats only half the product. if you look at ipods (probably the biggest killer of MD) there is way too much hype over a unit that has appalling battery life & is overpriced in todays market.
  2. happy new year. newbie first post. this subject caught my eye. i do similar stuff jacking from my pocket short-wave radio, all those weird noises from wishywashy ambient to strange clanking sounds. sometimes theres a person on the band (recorded i guess) calling out numbers randomly & loudly, some kindof code? my main point is MD is great for collecting odd sounds for later processing in a sampler or something
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