Non-U.S. Access It appears that your computer is currently accessing Connect from outside the United States. Due to licensing restrictions, music on Connect is not available for download from outside the United States. ^ That's the error I get. I live outside of the U.S, and cannot connect to register/autheticate my computer with Sony connect. What has happened is that I had to format my computer, and once that was done I could no longer play back recoded files I had backed up onto my 'non-operating system' hard drive which 'oviously' didn't have Windows XP installed. I have been looking for a remedy to this for months. I keep sending e-mails to Sony but they never reply. I have recently found out that I needed to register my computer to Sony Connect for those files to work. For years I have formatted my computer quite regularly to keep it running at best speeds or whenever a virus got into it. Does this mean that I can no longer format my computer? also, when trying to connect to get authorisation on my computer it won't allow me to because I live outside the U.S. How can I play back the recordings I made before I formatted my computer? I want to be able to freely format my computer to keep it safe, as well as to be able to play back the recordings I make. If anyone has any suggesttions, please share : ) Thanks kindly