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Posts posted by metternich

  1. I recently got myself an MZ-NH900, however it is virtually useless to me at the moment. Everytime I try and use either MD Simple Burner or SonicStage (both version 2) with the minidisc connected with a disc in they simply crash as soon as they recognize the disc (the error messages aren't very helpful, simply a problem with the .exe). The software does not crash if there isn't a disc in. Also, every time I try to import music into to SonicStage from my harddrive it crashes as well. There is nothing wrong with my minidisc when I'm not using the software, as I can browse the emptiness of the disc as much as I want in any other program.

    I assume that this problem can be solved by some kind of update or other - is this the case? Please say if there is any other information which I've missed out, I would be grateful for any help!

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