If you are looking for a case for your minidisc with space for a mic, earbuds, extra battery case, check out your local CompUSA. Mine (Mt. Laurel NJ) had a bunch of cases for $9.98. They are on the their website http://www.compusa.com/products/product_in...era_Starter_Kit. If the link doesn't work it is Product number 279121. They are perfect as minidisc recording cases. There are even 2 mesh pockets inside that are exact fits for blank media. They don't have a name brand anywhere on them - just 'DIGITAL' across the front. Black Chinese-made pleather, padded interior with a movable separater, fold-down front with a zipper mesh compartment for some small cables and earbuds. Steal one while you can (figure of speech, of course) Oh yeah, these are actually "starter kits" so there is a minitripod and lens cleaner and brush inside which you could probably throw on ebay and get $4.99 for. Greg