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Everything posted by gregbed

  1. If you are looking for a case for your minidisc with space for a mic, earbuds, extra battery case, check out your local CompUSA. Mine (Mt. Laurel NJ) had a bunch of cases for $9.98. They are on the their website http://www.compusa.com/products/product_in...era_Starter_Kit. If the link doesn't work it is Product number 279121. They are perfect as minidisc recording cases. There are even 2 mesh pockets inside that are exact fits for blank media. They don't have a name brand anywhere on them - just 'DIGITAL' across the front. Black Chinese-made pleather, padded interior with a movable separater, fold-down front with a zipper mesh compartment for some small cables and earbuds. Steal one while you can (figure of speech, of course) Oh yeah, these are actually "starter kits" so there is a minitripod and lens cleaner and brush inside which you could probably throw on ebay and get $4.99 for. Greg
  2. Check out Sound Professionals (http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/category/110/mics). Keep an eye on their closeouts, they have some pretty good deals from time to time. I picked up the SP-BMC-2 or 3 (can't remember which) to record a conference. There was an impromptu jazz session by 4 of the particpants afterwards. I was really impressed by the quality of the recording I captured. I did this on a netMD (707). I just got an RH10 and have only done a small amount of recording but my guitar teacher was impressed by the quality. Don't forget you do have two settings for mic sensitivity on the RH10. If you are going to record concerts you will probably want a lower sensitivity mic.
  3. gregbed

    Himd Uploads

    I want to use Hi-MD for recording seminars by a lapel mic or line in from the sound system. We need to make CDs of the seminars that are available for immediate (1 hour) sale. How long does it take to upload a seminar recorded at Hi-SP and convert to wav? If recorded in linear PCM, can the computer just transfer the wav file using the MD unit as a "harddrive" Greg
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