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  1. Thanks for bringing up this FLAC thing, I hadn't come across it yet. Sounds like a good idea! I converted everything into .wav files and they're huge! Like 35 MB for a 3 minute track... So I'll definitely look into that. Thanks all of you for your help! I was a bit desparate yesterday because I was trying to send in an audition... So I'm extremely grateful! I'd put a link here to what I did, but I'm not sure that would be good for my self esteem But again, thank you so much!
  2. Oh! Well, thanks I can kind of understand some people being frustrated with the questions. No worries I really have been looking into this all day, I just couldn't make sense of all the different options and terms being thrown at me all at once. But now I have a clear course of action, thank you again!
  3. Thank you so much Skmetal07 and Kurisu for your help! It's really helped to clarify everything for me I'll get my dad to look at Marc's program. Hopefully I'll be able to use that instead.
  4. Ok, thanks guys! My dad is a little leery about letting me download stuff that isn't directly from Sony, I'm afraid... I thought I would try downloading this WAV conversion tool http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/faq/fa...=WAV_conversion Will this do what I want it to? I'll take another look at Marc's thread. I'm sorry to sound like a dork, asking questions that have already been answered. It's just all so overwhelming!
  5. And yes, looking back, I did start to read Marc's thread. I found it very confusing, possibly unreliable, and it is closed so that there is no feedback whether it even works well or not.
  6. Yes, I tried to read as much as I could! I spent over an hour searching stuff before posting this. I'm sorry, I'm just technologically inept, I guess. And if you notice, my question was not simply "how do I make a .wav file?" I just need someone to tell me simply what my best course of action is. I've come across all these new terms and software programs and I am seriously confused! I thought I might be able to find some polite help here. I just want to know if .wav or .mp3 is better, and simply how I proceed after I download the newest version of Soundstage. I mean, I've seen threads where people are like "omg, wtf do I do??" and people helped them out! At least I've tried to do some research here
  7. I've been browsing around reading, trying to figure out exactly how this should be done and what I need. I know this has been adressed, but I'm still quite confused. I have a Sony NH1 and I want to hook it up to my comp and upload everything I've recorded. (which I know is impossible at the moment) I have SonicStage 2.0, so I need to download the newest version, right? Ok, then I'm confused about what happens next. What exactly is this OpenMG thing? Do I need to download WinNetMD? Do I need to download Audacity? Do I need to download the Wav Converter tool from Sony? I would prefer not to have to pay money, but I will if that's the best option. And what is better, .wav or .mp3?
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