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Everything posted by nitzan

  1. by the way i need one last thing: my uncle want to buy me the mz-nh900 and he wanted to buy in germen but it was in black and my cousin say's to me that this is the same minidisc with less things and with other buttons now i want to know if this is right?
  2. thank you very very much skmetal07 look my cousin told me that i cant do it i mean cant upload a record song from the t.v. to the computer but if you say that i cant then thank you very much
  3. hello again i want to ask you if there is other types of mz-nh900 cause my uncel wanted to buy me a minidisc mz-nh900 in germen in black but cousin told me that it is an other minidisc then the mz-nh900 in israel my question is if my cousin right and the black mz-nh900 in germen is defrent then the mz-nh900 in silver in israel? by the way thank's for answer me last time
  4. hey my name is nitzan and i got mz-nh900 i would like to know if i can checkin songs that i recorded from the t.v. and other divices? glad if you can help me
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