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  1. jkrobs

    What A Week

    Your right, people are allways more special in life...I just do listen to my mini disk a lot and also love recording. I am thinking to buy a new player...but not a mini disk player...I think Im going to get one of those hard drive players..like 20 gig? or 40 gig? Im thinking maybe the sony one or I pod....but Im not sure where you guys are from..but these gadgets are so expensive in England...We allways end up with all the old stuff and there cost a fortune...Im thinking to buy from america, I know my garantee would be void...but it's hell cheaper...like UK it's £244 and if I buy it in USA...it's only $299.99 = £163 + you get lots of things with it which in the UK you would never get. It's the same with the PSP.
  2. jkrobs

    What A Week

    It's strnage that you say that...becouse I actully opened the mini disk up...which was a risky thing...but I noticed a little round metal things..looks like magnet..but I notices it was very dirty looking colour? like brown on it? maybe it's finnished?
  3. jkrobs

    What A Week

    Hi there, Im new to this forum...basically Im a bit fed up...Monday was my 21st birthday..everything was great..then tuesday ( Yesterday) everything seems to go wrong...Well My mini disk seems to have broken down...Ive had 3 years..Ive looked after it so well..but there a strange problem with it...when I delete a single track from it...it says toc reading...which is normal, then all the other tracks are still there..but if you take the disk out then put it back in...it says blank disk??? it's never done that before...so I tested most of my disks and it happens everytime...plus Ive tryed recording this new cd I have..and it says it recording..then when you listen to it..the little disk icon is spining really fast and there is a track there..but it will not play it..then maybe 10 seconds later it starts, but then there is no sound and it counts only up to 5 seconds into the song...it's so strange but anyway also late last night...I went to turn my camera on which Ive had 2 years...and the lcd screen on the camera is all fuzzy and it seems out of focus...I really am confused as to what is going on? everything is going wrong for me this week. but anyway my mini disk..does anyone know whats wrong with it? the model is Sony MZR909..It's lovely mini disk player..and Ive had know problems with it ever until now! Ive also tryed recording other cd on it..but it had the same effect..so it's safe to say it's the mini disk which is broken..but what wrong with it? anyway please reply. thanks Jimmy
  4. jkrobs


    Hi I was thinkign to post the email which the guy sent me about the SON106 Controller...to be honest with you the ending of the emai makes no sence to me..Here goes! DEAR JIMMY PART NUMBER SON106 IS THE SAME PART AS PART NUMBER RM-MC11EL THIS IS THE SAME AS YOUR ORGINAL REMOTE THE COST OF THIS REMOTE IS 36.99 INC OF CARRAGE AND VAT AS FOR THE BELT CLIP I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE CLIP WHICH YOU WERE REEFERING TO. I AM UNABLE TO SEND YOU A PHOTO OF THIS REMOT E AS THESE ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO US, BUT AS I HAVE SAID SON106 IS THE SAME AS THE REMOTE YOU HAVE, AS FOR PART NUMBERMZ R909 OUR SYSTEM IS SAYING THAT IT IS NOT COMPATABLE WITH YOUR REMOTE I HOPE THIS SOLVES YOUR ENQUIRY MANY THANKS DAWN Part number MZ R909 that's my mini disk...what does he mean by it's not comaptible with the remote??? Im so confused..How can it not be comaptible...Ive used the controller for the last 4 years! Anyway £36.99 Sounds a lot of money..I was thinking maybe I could buy that remote which came with the nz10 mini disk player...it's kind of the same as my orginal controller..but it's made of some metal and not plastic...anyway Im not sure what to do..becouse the guy cannot send me a picture of the SON106..Im a little bit suspicious if to buy or not? what do you think guys? thanks for your help...maybe I should try and repair my controler..save some money haha! bye guys!
  5. jkrobs


    Hi there, Im new to this Forum...Sorry to bother you, Basically Im not really sure where to have posted this, Well I have a mini disk Sony MZ R909, anybody know it? It's lovely mini disk and Ive really looked after it...Ive had it around 4 years now..you see the main player is in excellent condition, but lately the controller which was supplied with it has stopped working..eevrytime I turn the volume up it changes track and so on..also the clip broke which attaches to my shirt pocket or trouser pocket...Well I sent an email to Sony for spare parts and there told me that the only controller which is conpatible with my Player is the SON106 and it's £36.20 , before I was gonna buy it I wanted to see a picture of it...I asked the guy but he sayed there don't have pics of it...I told him that the part number for my orginal controller was...I think it was RM-MCE11L something like that..anyway he told me SON106 is the same..just diferent number...it's been 4 years now..so I guess there changed the part number..but anyway basically what I wanna ask is does anybody know this controller? have a picture of it? I was also wondering do you think the controller SON106 is gona be slightly better than my orginal one? Or just eh same? becouse I was thinking maybe Sony stopped making the one I had..maybe there changed the design of it? Sorry to confuse you..Im really confused now and not sure if to buy or not? the guy did not really seem to have a clue what it looked like...he was also trying to sell me a belt clip??? god knows why? Please please help me! thank you yours sincerely, Jimmy
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