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Everything posted by henning

  1. hmm. more than a month late with replying you... well, a maximum budget will be hopefully not more than around 200euro. but that depends. tell me, what is existing out there...
  2. haha. I just wrote a similar question.... but I guess that the MD is the best choice if you want the recordings to sound ok (and cant afford a DAT...). some mp3playerthings could work, however then you must load it in to the computer after 50minutes of recording or something like that... with a MD, you can just change the disc. thats what I need so thats why I use MD for fieldrecordings. you will loose some soundquality when you record it to your computer though. I havent reallly noticed that loss myself, but so they say...
  3. hi everyone. I need a minidisc to which I can plug in my mic (i.e. the regular mic-input hole) and that I can manually change the rec-volume. a simple "high" or "low" rec-volume wont do it. Ive used tons of old MDs for recording sounds. Ive bought them all cheap and they've all broken down after a while... so I need a new one, but I havent found a new MD which will work for me. anyone know a new MD (one on the market now) that have those criteria? hope someone can help... /henning
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