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  1. Hi, I'm using Sonic Stage 3, just uploaded a few weeks ago. I upgraded because of warnings in this forum of previous versions of SS randomly trashing uploads. But Sonic Stage 3 crashed while I was uploading recordings, and it trashed the whole disc: "format error disc." I read what I could find about that here in the forum, and the only recommendation seemed to be to re-format the disc, which, as I expected, erased all the data on it. What kind of useless software *is* this? Is there anything I can do to protect myself from losing four hours of important rehearsal recordings again? Should I have done something different when I got "format disc error?" I don't see that there's any way I can stop Sony's crap software from crashing if it wants to. But I thought the whole point of upgrading to SS 3 was that it *didn't* crash, and trash recordings. Arrrgh. Any advice or help would be very much appreciated. thanks, k.
  2. Grateful thanks to everyone for this helpful info! k.
  3. I've had similar problems with the battery life of my 900 seeming very short. So today I set it running and am keeping track. After 4.5 hours it's already down to two battery bars, so it doesn't look like it's going to get anywhere near the 11 hours promised by the manual. I will try the complete discharge a few times, but I'm wondering if I should upgrade the battery. Does anyone know if the Goldpeak 1400 NiMH Battery for NH-14WM will work in the NH900? As you can tell, I'm a complete novice with batteries. Thanks for the info. and advice!
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