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Everything posted by Ignacio49

  1. I live in Venezuela, South America. Availability here is very limited, and prices are more expensive (30 to 50%) than in the US. If interested I should buy in US via internet.
  2. Thank you, Nismo96. Yes, I am interested in your suggestions of good headphones and/or earphones, especially if they can be used with amps with max output of only 3 mV (I may end buying a NH700....which is the only HI MD available where I live). BTW, even though the MZ-E2 has a "decent" power output of 5 mV, this is on the low side to be used in my HI-FI, as I use a passive preamp (no gain). I know portable minidiscs were not designed to be used in "home systems", but this is how I would use it when at home. Therefore...still looking for more feedback about sound of current and vintage gear. Anyone out there with some experience on this topic???
  3. I have read comments in several forums about the sound of current crop of Minidiscs, mainly from Sony. I got the idea that the amplifiers have not improved (if they have improved at all) like other aspects (ATRAC, batteries duration, recording times, pc uploading, etc. etc,), and this results in a sound that is marginally better (or marginally worst) that that from the early units. I would like to know your opinions. I got a friend`s old but in perfect condition MZ-E2 player which I connected to my HI-FI equipment, and found that it sounds better than I expected. Has someone compared the sound of current gear with that of first generation players or recorders, especially with that of the MZ-E2 - my "reference" ? I am asking because I am thinking about buying a HI-MD, and I will use it -part time- in my HI-FI rig, where "bad sound" will be very evident. Appreciate your comments.
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