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  1. Looking for a cheap net md mini disc player, (NE410 or something) to give to someone so they will quit borrowing mine THANKS! wask@cogeco.ca
  2. Hey guys, I got 53 74 minute discs with my MD player, so Im not in the market to buy anymore anytime soon, but if I was, what is the largest size that is availbel for netmd? thanks (cool, this is topic 1,000 in this forum)
  3. So far, you guys have answered all of this noobs questions with flying colors... My next one is about recharable batteries. My Mz-s1 has really long battery life, it is great. I do tech support, so I am on the phone 40 hours a week with my MD running in one ear to block out the background noise (or at least that is what I tell my boss, haha). Plus I use it to work out and anytime I am driving the church bus. So I use it probably 60 hours a week. I have been using cheapo batteries and not getting everything out of them that I can. What rechargeable batteries are the best? Is Nickel Metal Hydride the way to go or is there something else? Im looking to buy four and a charger to run my digital camera on too... THANKS!
  4. Hey guys, anywhere to get the manual online for my Sony Mz-S1? Im sure it has features Im not using and I want to find out what they are... thanks! Matt
  5. In Sonic Stage Im using the one that says"minimum bitrate transfer mode" it says it converts to LP4... is that right or is there a better way to get more on one disc?
  6. Hey guys, about how many songs should I get on a 74 minute disc? Is 70 about right? Someone suggested it should be way more... any idea? THANKS!
  7. I'm an MD noob. Will be getting my first MD player in the mail today or tomorrow. What software do I need with it? It is a Sony Sports Mz-s1. Any info is greatly appreciated... thanks!
  8. The weird thing is, ten years ago I had a stereo from Sears in a 78 Mustang and it had a line in port on it for this purpose... weird... What does a MD headunit cost balpark? Are they out rageous?
  9. Are there in dash mini disc players? If not, what is the best way to incorporate it into your care? Tape adapter? FM Transmitter? other? THANKS!
  10. Should packages that contain MD players and disks be marked "Do Not Xray" or are they unharmed by the process? THANKS!
  11. Hey guys, just was using one of my friends mini disc players for a couple of days and decided I needed to buy one. I was looking at the Sony Sports MZ-S1 because I hear it is bullet proof. I just bought two on eBay actually as they seemed to be pretty good deals. One I got with wall adapter and six discs for $49.12 the other I got for 49.00 with wall adapter and 47 discs. Was this a good deal on these two? Obviously the second was a better deal .. Im planning on selling one of them or giving it away in my youth group as a prize. It just seemed like a good deal I couldn't pass up.... Also, what should I expect from this model? I read mixed reviews on the internet but I will be using it mostly at my cube at work and working out in the mornings so it seems like a good buy from what I read. UNFORTUNATELY, I found this site after both purchases were complete.
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