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  1. @ben is this tool available in Germany too?
  2. Sony is not Apple. Sony makes first the announcement for a fantastic new piece, than let's the audience wait a few months and finally delivers something which is still not that much better than the old stuff. To expect something on the MD/HDD market which is technically advanced only will be the cause of severe frustration. I mean, how many versions did Sonistage need until it became (almost) usable - not to speak of advanced or not so advanced features at all like searching for MP3 tags for songs not ripped straight from CD by Sonicstage and it still has the stupid delete function that if you delete music from the player it will be deleted on the computer as well..... While iTunes set a worldwide trend with Podcasts and now with selling videos Stonicstage still doesnt deliver basic functions the consumers want. If the new Connect software is not a _big_ step ahead it will have a severe impact on the sales of _all_ ATRAC/MP3 models manufactured by Sony. You just have to read comments on Sony players in computer forums or comments at Amazon.com where "normal" users write about their struggle with Sonicstage....
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