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Everything posted by ForPete'sSake

  1. I'm somewhat of a novice to this, but isn't it DSD which has recently been shown to be theoretically flawed? In fact, while other factors have led SACD (which uses DSD, right?), to its decline from very marginal popularity, isn't it now predicted that this discovery will lead to its complete death in the near term?
  2. I'm new to this...The following quote led me to think that the audio would automatically be converted to PCM. "So, the biggest news of this release is that it can upload non Hi-MD audio...So that means all of your old SP and MDLP live recordings can finally be uploaded via USB! For example, an SP mode track uploaded to Sonicstage 3.4 will be converted to PCM or Hi-SP (your choice)" Are you saying that I can upload the raw ATRAC data without converting it? Does that erase the data from the disc? And, can I then listen to the ATRAC recordings using other medialayers (like Realplayer)? Thanks!
  3. Why doesn't Sony allow for the uploading of the original ATRAC data??? That's just silly to me!!!
  4. Hi guys, I'm new to this too, but am already learning some things the hard way. For some reason, I hadn't expected to face some of the problems you all are talking about when it comes to copying an audio file recorded using a mic from my MD player to my computer. You mean to tell me that the only option I have is to "transfer" a recording to my computer, that I cannot simply copy it? This is rediculous! I have been keeping an audio journal for the past 5 years on minidisc and since the beginning, have been itching to back up all my recordings onto my computer. Is there any workaround for this, or do you think there will be? FYI: I borrowed my brother's SonyMZ-NHF800 to transfer the recordings which were made using an MZR-90 (no USB). If any of you have any ideas, I will be forever in your debt. PS: When I do try to transfer a file using SS I get the following message: Unable to transfer to the computer. Why is this? Thanks again!
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