I think m3u2sb urner is a posible alternative....I found some posts on it on your website...but really it as well as insturctions for it are located here http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/paolose/instructions.htm however it's not for noobs (so i have no idea how to use it) If someone can give me a link to better instructions..even within this forum, I would greatly appreciate it Thanx also if this helps someone...I got from http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~jaydee/ "Net MD recording woes I was getting "recording session has failed" when using Simple Burner and wasn't able to record stuff onto my MZN-505. Tried searching the Web and found that many people seemed to be having the same problem, but the solution was nowhere to be found. Well, I've found it Seems to be a problem with XP's USB stuff. If you wander along to microsoft there's a non-essential USB update. Get it and your woes will disappear. Peace out y'all."