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Everything posted by frozenflame

  1. I found SBC & DBC in a dictionary... not a native english speaker myself, sry if i caused u any trouble in understanding, oops. SBC case is a system for displaying oriental charaters. each char exactly takes the space of two english letters. and in this system, english letter is displayed in that size, so it looks huge and ugly. DBC case is also for oriental chars, but every char takes as less space as possible, and english letters are in original size. I'm still wondering if it's about the language version of SS or the remote's firmware.
  2. hi, i bought NH1 in Hong Kong last Sep which came with the remote RM-MC40elk. The unit is made in Japan, and the remote supports Chinese, Korean, Japanese. I'm really frustrated about its English display. In himd mode, all english letters are displayed in SBC case. every letter is as big as a Chinese character and ugly. But the letters are fine if I put a net-md disc in. All in DBC case. I've send an enquiry to sony's asia pacific tech support, but have not got reply yet. can anyone help me here?
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