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Everything posted by Dellmon

  1. This really has been a feirce battle lol. I find every day I come away thinking something different, yesterday I started playing with my minidisc, this morning ive put my iPod on charge Now after reading the last post, im getting all starry eyed over minidisc again lol! Ive not done much A-B testing myself, all I have done is played my portable minidisc and ipod through my hifi, from that, I would say the iPod has a fuller mid range (although the only minidisc I had to hand was recorded at LP2) but the minidisc had fuller bass, something my home hifi as always been slightly lacking. It would be interesting to hear a hifi minidisc deck, rather than a portable. There was some interesting reading on this very site regarding minidisc SQ and the fact that it would be possible for it to surpass CD... Does anyone think minidisc is a viable alternative to CD for a high end home hifi?
  2. I cant complain with either format for reliability really, ive had my mini-disc for 2 years and my iPod for just over 1, both have been faultless.
  3. Fair point Not sure how I came to that conclusion
  4. Hmm, seems like the iPod is winning at the moment. The battery life on my mini-disc is indeed far better than my iPod, but like you say the iPod is a lot louder. My iPod would need charging every night if I used it daily. I expected a flood of mini-disc votes with this being the forum that it is, maybe the fact that I havent is quite telling... Thanks for your input so far
  5. I currently have both a personal mini-disc player and an iPod. I have not used my mini-disc for a while and stumbled across it yesterday, having spent some quality time with it I find myself wanting a reason to use it over my iPod. Can anyone give me one? I have already ripped my cd collection into itunes and can store all of it on my iPod, without ever having to swap discs etc. With mini-disc its going to be pretty much an album per disc, lots to carry around, need to buy blank disc etc. You may be thinking why am I asking after that, but there is just something about mini-disc..something that pulls me to it. If for example mini-disc had better sound quality than my iPod then that would be reason enough for me to switch..but as far as I know, it doesnt (im storing tracks on my iPod using the Apple Lossless codec). If anyone can help me "convert" I would be very grateful
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