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  1. Thanks. I didn't have any problem geting into the advanced menu. My problem is there is no edit option once I'm there. Truly bizarre. I am dealing with the shop about it. I'll let you know if they come up with an answer.
  2. That's what's been driving me buggy! I did the same things you suggested and still can't get the unit to cough up the edit function. Perhaps the fact that the sticker says New Zealand has something to do with it? According to the manual though, that shouldn't matter. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I think I'll throw the whole thing back and get an m10. It would be nice to be able to use it with my G5. (My laptop is super finnicky and I use linux software which is sometimes a challenge). Any warnings on the M10?
  3. I just bought an NH1 from a shop in California. I've tried everything I can think of but I can't seem to access the edit function from the unit itself. I can get it from the remote. Anyone know about this? Also, I paid $260.00. Is it still possible to find a new one cheaper? Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the input. I think I will try the R900. I checked out that model and the R909 and they both look like they can do the job. Built like a tank is what I need. Cheers!
  5. I'm swimming in information about MD players to replace my n10 that recently crapped out on me. I could use some perspective. I need a really durable MD player for recording live shows. I am in the process of learning all about engineering and producing so I archive a lot of material to help out the learning process. IE: I use my MD's really hard. It's not unusual to record at least 3 hours/day 5-7days/week. Needless to say, I'm concerned with quality parts and durability not to mention the best preamp and sound quality I can get for my buck. I'm not worried about S.S. I use another software editing program to upload my recordings through a great preamp. I had the 707 and loved it but it got swiped after Sony discontinued them. I'd get one again on Ebay if I knew they had a ton of life. Then I had the n10 which was working perfectly until about 3 months ago. Sony in the US no longer repairs them. Sonystyle telephone operators are about as useful as goldfish for advice. Bottom line is that they have that dumb exchange thing they do where they will exchange your broken unit for a refurb. for a little less thatn what it costs to buy a new one. ((Interestingly enough, I called Sony Style in Vancouver (seeing as I was going to be going there for Christmas)) and talked to a guy who really knew his ****. That store still repair all sony units on site. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Well anyway, I'm thinking I might get another N10 for around $160.00 until the second generation of High MD's is born. It seems to me, (like cars), the older MD's were made to last. The new ones feel like cheap plastic boxes to me. Am I just being cynical? I'm grateful for any advice I can get. Thanks!
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