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Everything posted by jonagold

  1. Since it's not looking good for me to be able to upload my old Minidiscs to my Macm without losing my track marks, I'm thinking about dusting off the old Sony VAIO that I have stored away. Isn't there some PC software that I can use to upload old Minidisc tracks with track marks intact? Net-MD or something? And if so, would I need a particular MD unit to do this? Many thanks for any assistance that you all can provide. P.S. The VAIO has Windows ME on it, if that makes a difference with the software.
  2. I have a box of field recordings that I made on regular old MDs (not Hi-MD), recorded without compression on either a Sony MZ-R700 or a Sharp unit. I've been waiting (and waiting) for a way to upload these discs to my Mac digitally, so that all track marks are preserved. Thus I was excited to see that Sony is finally supporting Macs. But from what I'm reading, it appears that even if I spend the money on a new MZ-M100, I still will not be able to upload digitally the tracks on my old discs to my Mac. Is this correct? And if so, is there any other way for me to do what I want to do? Thanks!
  3. Thanks so much for your help; I'll do my research and go from there.
  4. Thanks for getting back to me. Would WinMD/SonicStage run on an few-years-old Sony VAIO running Windows ME? That's another possiblity for me.
  5. I’m new around here and need a little help with uploading digitally to my computer (a G5 Mac) live recordings that I’ve made on an older MD recorder (not Hi-MD). From what I’ve read so far, I will need a home MD deck that has a digital out, an optical cable, and a card with an optical in for the computer. What still isn’t clear to me is: (1) what format the digital files arrive in; or are they simply input to some audio editing software just like with analog input? And (2) are the track marks on my minidisc recordings preserved? Thanks for your help!
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