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Everything posted by anders

  1. anders

    Need Help Plz

    does anybody have a link to it? cause i can't find them thnx
  2. anders

    Need Help Plz

    damn, can't find them
  3. anders

    Need Help Plz

    ok thnx i've been waiting all afternoon for a responce just have to find the drivers now :s
  4. anders

    Need Help Plz

    Ok now... you told me to instal the drivers before installing sonicstage? but do i have to instal the drivers in the same folder than sonicstage?
  5. anders

    Need Help Plz

    sorry but where do i get the drvers?
  6. anders

    Need Help Plz

    ok thnx i'll try it
  7. anders

    Need Help Plz

    hi all, i know my request is such a bad question but i need help. So i just bought a new pc, and i can't put the mp3 from my pc to my sharp IM-DR420H IM-DR410H/400E cause i dont have the program anymore( i'm talking aout that one you recive when you buy the minidisc) i've been seraching on the internet but i didn' find anything so my question is: can someone give me a link to this program plz i really need it!! thnx in advance
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