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  1. My $0.02: Neto labels peel & jam up the MD. Pressit MD labels are superior in that regard, but you can only order from Europe or Australia, and it's hard to find a vendor who will accept US credit cards. Still the Pressit MD labels are absolutely the very best. For artwork, I use Coreldraw. Never use Word to do graphics. (the right tool for the job, etc. etc.)
  2. I have a PCV-MX20 and I have installed Sonic Stage 2.3 on it. The install left Sonic Stage 1.1 on it as well (and the FM, memory stick & aux recording works as before). I have two problems: (1) Recording MDs using either 2.3 or 1.1 freezes at 95%. Before installing 2.3 that didn't happen with 1.1. (2) Sonic Stage 1.1 plays MDs OK. Sonic Stage 2.3 "plays" the MD, but there is no sound. I think I need an upgraded netmd driver or maybe a firmware update for the MD in the PCV-MXS20. I have two MZ-N707 portables, and Sonic Stage 2.3 works beautifully with them (connecting via USB to my Toshiba notebook). If anyone out there actually gets Sonicstage 2.3 to work on the Vaio PCV-MXS10 or S20, please tell how you did it. Thanks, Fred
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