All of my CDs have been ripped to my hard drive with EAC, so the framelength/FPS issue isn't a problem. I guess that, from what the n-code manual says, that the program that converts the WAV files in SS really would need a special command to make sure that the files remain "gapless". I've been using the CD image/ImageDrive solution, but it just seems to be a bit of a hassle to go about it this way. I prefer to rip CDs first since (and this may seem a little anal ) some CDs have track marks that begin with a burst of the end of the previous song (QOTSA's Rated R is a very, very good example of this) and I like to "re-adjust" the track marks slightly with WaveLab (taking care to keep exact framelengths) and then creating an image. That way, after ripping them into SS from the CD image, it makes playing them back on my HD1 a slightly more pleasureable listening experience. Oh, and I've made sure that the WAV files I've tried to convert in the past haven't had any unnecessary headers or "padding" in them that some audio editors sometimes add, so that's not been a problem either. Oh well, I guess I'll stick with the CD image solution until they implement a decent batch processing mode in SS, which I guess means never. Unless SS 3.0 has some nice surprises in store for us...?