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  1. I have had intermittent problems with the HiMD disc that came with the unit. Somtimes it would work, and sometimes it would be "protected". I was able to use it after putting tape over the area that is checked by the sensor. (kind of like the old cassette tapes) I just purchased a number of HiMD discs, and the player says they are all protected (regardless of tab postion) until I put some tape on them. I contacted Sony and explained the problem, and they say there is no problem with this model (mine is a "rare instance", as they described it). This does not seem to match the comments I have seen on the net and this forum. After verifying the tab position, and removing and replacing the battery??, they suggested that I send in the unit for repair - using the return webpage. There is a $29 fee to have the unit replaced with a refurbished unit. For $30, I can keep putting tape on the disc - plus I won't be without the unit while it is in for repair. There is no indication on the website that they would ship the refurbished unit and allow me to ship the defective unit back in the shipping materials. Anyone know if this option is available ? Anyone had any better luck with resolving the problem ?
  2. Cool - the tape worked great. Did not know this cassette trick worked on MD ! SonicStage kept telling me that the disc was write protected, so I could not re-format. thanks
  3. I got one Sony 1GB disc with the player. I recorded on it once and transfered the files using SonicStage. Now, when I put the disc in the player and try to do anything, it shows "protected disk". I have tried the write protect tab in both positions, but it does not help. I have some Fujifilm MD 80 discs that I have been using with no problem. The tab operation seems different for the MD vs the HiMD disc. How can I make the 1GB disc usable ?
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