The machine is a pentium 3 700 mhz with 512 mb pc133 sd ram. The OS is Windows 2000 Professional with service pack 4. The internals are good quality, H/D is maxtor, ram is PNY etc, biostar mobo and sony 710 cd /dvd . Overall the system is very stable, no crashes etc. I disable all virus programs and anything that is resides in the background so that simple burner has access to as much of the system resources as possible. Overall, I am able to accomplish the job, it is just a bit touchy. Put it this way, if I was an air traffic controller and simple MD was my traffic control software, I would be more inclined to take a train. I guess until I come across the steps I will have to keep experimenting. But, that still does not explain why the disc shows up as write protect. thanks again