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  1. Thanks for the suggestion, that looks to fit the bill, encouraging to see the write-up mentions this recorder as well. I'll keep that one in mind while looking for something a little cheaper as well. Daav
  2. Hey all, I wish i had read these boards long ago. I just picked up a mz-r500 on ebay for my girlfriend who is a journalist to use to record interviews and the like. Of course i checked arefully and was completely misled about the mic input that apparently isn't really there. Before knowing that, I went to test it with a cheap unpowered mic i had lying around and got a bunch of nothing for the effort. A few searches later and i see several posts mentioning that there is none. I saw that i could record from another MD player through a stereo 1/8th inch jack, so I couldn't figure out why the mic wouldn't work, and then saw this: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showt...2292&hl=mz-r500 So can someone help me avoid spending more money trying to get a decent (not too large) microphone that will work? Any advice links to current info etc would be great. Thanks!
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