There's no ffdshow on my notebook. I have uninstalled a lot of programs, Nero, DivX-Player... There are some music programs such as Cubase SX, but I don't wanna uninstall all my software to make SonicStage work.
Hi! I haven't installed this codec pack. I have deinstalled now nearly every codec but no effect. Now there is another additional problem: SonicStage does not recognize the HiMD anymore (it recognizes the player). Every time I plug the player in there is an error message in SonicStage: "Cannot use this disk as an audio disk because it was initialized by program other than SonicStage". I'd like to throw the whole system on the floor, jump on it and damn Sony!
Hi! This error occurs everytime I try to export an MP3-File with SonicStage 3.0 To my new NH1. Did I do someting wrong? Is there no support for VBR? Or is something wrong with the SP2? The Problem occurs mainly on my notebook. With my PC it works much better (not with every file). Thank you for help! Michael
I don't like to wait. My old N1 had the "blankdisk-error" and is at Sony service. After repair I sell the old one. And that's far lower than any other price I ever saw. I ordered the NH1 just a few minutes ago. In the German MD-Forum everyone told me to buy thze NH1. The Shop is
I want to purchase one of the units but I don't know which one at that outstanding price. I heard the battery of the NH1 would be extremely expensive and does not last very long? Is the playing time of the NH900 only longer because of the additional standard battery? On the other hand the remote and the metal body of the NH1 seem much better... Thank for your replies!