Thank you, Mr. Bass Man. Yes, this is a "6000 channels & nothing on" project, meaning I'd rather be tinkering with resistors than watching TV... and no, I don't need reference class output, just some nice sounding, nice looking, "hey-mom-look-what-I-built" box. I've used powered speakers, the PC kind. Good output, but hey... not homebrewed! BTW, what's the (typical) impedance of an average line-out jack on a soundcard? Just wondering... About impedance and amplitude: I tried connecting the MD phones out to my A/V receiver, had to crank the volume waaay up, compared to any other sound source I have. I normally listen to CDs at -45dB or so, had to go all the way to -20dB with MD... This made me think I was feeding low-Z into something that expected, say, 100K or more. Which in turn made me look into mic preamps... no rest for the wicked. Really the MD is putting out 1Vpp? I was thinking more around the lines of 200mVpp... Thank you for your insight. Best, Luca