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  1. I feel your pain man ... I too have the original MP3s left but it's a definitive PITA to get it all in SonicStage and convert it again. Damn you Sony programmers, damn you!
  2. Thanx for the reply man, That just confirmed what I thought, I have been screwed by Sony's senseless DRM crap-a-doodle-doo. Shnatz. This really blows. I'll just re-import all the stuff over again. Stupid DRM chit, too bad Sony's got the best hardware because if it wasnt so i'd have no reason not to ditch them. Oh well ...
  3. Hi all, I recently upgraded my trusty MZ-N10, which broke on me last week, to a new shiny NW-HD1. I also installed Sonicstage 3.0. I imported a LOT of MP3 files into Sonicstage and transfered them to my HD1 in Atrac3 132 format. I had a really hard time re-naming all the files to the correct artist/genres and all. So there it is, I have this perfectly organized library which has been in part transferred to my portable device. But the shnitty SS software keeps crashing like there's no tomorrow so I decide to quickly re-format the PC to make things (especially conversion) a bit faster. So when the formatting is complete, I re-install sonicstage and re-import my converted .OMA files into it so I can finish the filling-up of this unit. Well, my reaction was something beginning with OMFG you bastard!. All the tracks now have 0 checkouts remaining and the SS software tells me I have to initialize the device (i.e. erase all) before I can transfer more stuff on it. Now I'm double-fuxored since I have 1) re-format my nearly full HD1 and 2) re-import and re-tag all the MP3 files into sonicstage to have a transferable library. I'm sure there's a way around this, either by confusing Sonicstage in thinking this PC is the old one, by unlocking the ATRAC device (HD1) or by adding checkouts to the .OMA files. Please help me on this one! 3 entire days (I have 10k+ files) went into this so i'm really pissed! Jerome
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