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  1. ..which is better than nothing at all thanks. btw would SP make it fit less songs onto a disc? Thanks!
  2. THanks! What does SP Mean by the way? I was looking for it on Sonicstage but I couldn't find it. Btw the Pana is way older than the Md
  3. Hi there! You may laugh at me as you read this but I find it really frustrating. Only a couple of days ago I found myself with a little (very little) bit of spare cash and bought a second hand MD player off e-bay (Panasonic SJ-MJ75 to be more precise) so that I could listen to music when I goto school and stuff. Anyway, cutting it to the chase, I was very badly surprised to find out that I could not play the MDs that my sister uses on her Sony NetMD MZ-N510. With my modest computer knowledge and logic I found out that the only types of encoding that my tiny Panasonic could read is ATRAC, while 20 out of 21 songs on one of my sis's MDs were ATRAC3. I beg you to help me!!!! PLeeeeeeeeeease don't tell me there is no way I can record ATRAC MDs!!!!! Pls pls pls! I have no other means of recording but through the Sony MD. I tried recording in mono and it kind of worked out but that's taking up more space and looses out on quality doesn't it? Can someone tell me whether I can improve things? Thanks a lot, Looking forward to any replies, Regards, K.
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