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Everything posted by yoods

  1. yoods

    Sonicstage 3

    Thank You! Big Help!
  2. yoods

    Sonicstage 3

    Hi, I am one of those rural unfortunates who lives in the sticks and has the high-speed connection of 26,000, at best, on a dial-up. I don't really have access to a high speed connection elsewhere. I would like to upgrade to Sonicstage 3, but with the download being in excess of 30 Mg, there is no way I will get it all before something will interrupt the download and I will have to start over again. And to compound the problem, I have a stand alone as well as a desktop I would like to install this software onto (so in theory will have to make two independent downloads of the same thing). Sooo, my questions: 1) Does anyone know if a Sonicstage 3 CD be found for purchase or whatever from any source? I could not find anything from my search on the web (other than to learn that new MD's will be shipped with such a CD in April). 2) Does anyone know how I can download Sonicstage 3 to a folder to be installed at a later time (down load it once so I can then transfer to my other computer later)? When I have tried to download it before (without success-kicked off-line before it was done), I couldn’t see how I could save it to a folder as it wants to install automaticly after the download. Any help on this frustating situation for us rural web connectors is greatly appreciated.
  3. I used the LP format.
  4. Howdy all, New to this forum and using MD in general...I am sure this question has been answered before, but being a newbie to minidiscs, I need the help big time. I bought a NZ-NH900 to record (through mic or line-in) my acoustic group at gigs and practices. I have done this recently with success. But now I am having a little problem taking out the dead space between tunes (removing the talking and all). I read in the manual how to delete the "dead" tracts (after I had T-marked the beginning and ending of tunes). Well I followed the instructions of how I understood them and deleted a tune tract I did not want to delete! So, before I experiment anymore with tract deletion can someone tell me the correct procedure? What I did is when the player is on the tract I want to delete, that is when I tried to delete, and it took out the tract before (that I wanted!). So do you delete the tract you want by being in the next tract past it? Any help and/or instruction on this matter would be much appreciated. I don't want to lose anymore irreplaceable recordings. (P.S. Am I correct to assume that once a tract is deleted from a MD, it is pretty much gone? There is no recycle bin or whatever to recover a deleted tract is there?) Thanks much for your help.
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