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Everything posted by Chris384

  1. If anyone here would like to sign a petition for sonicstage updates and bug fixing there is one here:SonicStage Petition it was started by someone from Club Vaio and was made to get better support for the VAIO pocket from SonicStage but you can add your own suggestions for MiniDisc's if you want. there arn't a heck of alot of signitures on it at the mo but if enough people sign then maybe (when it is sent to sony) they will sit up and take notice of some of the problems with SonicStage!
  2. If anyone here would like to sign a petition for sonicstage updates and bug fixing there is one here:SonicStage Petition it was started by someone from Club Vaio and was made to get better support for the VAIO pocket from SonicStage but you can add your own suggestions for MiniDisc's if you want. there arn't a heck of alot of signitures on it at the mo but if enough people sign then maybe (when it is sent to sony) they will sit up and take notice of some of the problems with SonicStage!
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