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Everything posted by KennyN

  1. I have run out of space on my original hard disk drive on my PC. So I bought a new external HDD that connects via USB. Now I want to migrate my entire SonicStage database to this external HDD. Is this possible? If so, does anybody have a procedure? I don't want to start fiddling and accidently lose the lot.
  2. I have pretty much the same problem - the same error message- as decribed at the beginning of this thread. I am using SS3.0 (followed the procedure for installing) as per this forum. I am running Windows 2000 Prof and do not have FFDShow. After importing my MP3's, if I check file propeties in SS I see that they are still MP3's. If I right click convert - I get the 'file format not recognised message'. If I try to transfer from My Library to my Hi-MD NZ HF800 same message. SB also consistently reports that 'there were errors preparing to transfer'. So nothing works.......
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