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Everything posted by mumonzan

  1. DirectX 9.0c of course But since then, I reinstalled Windows 2000, pathed it (SP4 + updates - KB840987) Clean system, just MS Office, Acrobat Reader, SygateFirewall and antivirus. 1st run of SS31_MDCF.exe - "Can't download WindowsMedia codecs" All right, I put them to ...\Desktop\Downloads, run again ... no, the same. I installed WindowsMedia Player 9 (well I think this include WM codecs, I am wrong?) Run SS31_MDCF.exe again, and again... All right, I start internet connection, run again... and this time installer really downloaded WM9Codecs.exe Every else went great, but that's not the end of the story... After restatr SimpleBurner in tray, good. Click on SonicStage ... "Cannot locate needed files related to Windows Media Format. Exiting SonicStage." And it really exit..) I rerun by hand WM9Codecs.exe again and again. Runs smoothly, but no change. Restarted, no change. I found at microsoft MediaPlayer site some other WMCodec instaler, the same name WM9Codecs.exe but a little bigger file 1 416 944 This one goes smoothly, but at the end declares> "No entry point for GetUserGeoID in Kernel32.dll" So somehow, SonicStage is right - I don't have properly registered WindowsMedia Codecs. But how to register them correctly is my next question in my provate SonicStage adventure! But that's for tomorrow, it's middle of the night right here in Poland. By
  2. I downloaded yesterday your standalone installer. I run it 2 times already, and want to share one thing which could be helpfull to make it better. Generally it works, great! One problem I had was regarding WM9Codecs9x.exe On very early installation phase, installer declare that it can't download WM9 codecs (althogh internet connection was fine, and although I had those codecs installed already). Only after I downloaded WM9Codecs9x.exe myself *and* put it to ....\Desktop\Downloads folder installation follow without problem. My comp is Athlon 1.2GHz, 396MB RAM plenty of HDD. Windows 2000 prof Polish, SP4, MDAC 2.80.1022.3, JET 4.0.8618 SS doesn't work, but this is another story. I'm fighting with this for last 2 days. I'm not windows newbie, and it's nice puzzle why my CPU goes over 80% after SS starts. SmartBurner works with no problems. No, I don't have any bed codecs
  3. history: - satisfy user of Sharp 821 and Sony R90 for over 5 years - bought MZ-NH600D 2 weeks ago - using SonicStage 3.0 for over a week with no problems - have to reinstall windows from ghost because of some dauther's game problems (no SS info in Ghost) - install SS 3.1 after Windows reinstall - download CD collection with no problem (and upload to MD without any problem) - discover unability to upload any mp3 to MD (Omgjbox.exe exeption window) - uninstall ffdshow codecs from my comp - no change after restart - Omgjbox.exe exeption window Win2000 Professional only (I don't accept XP:) I'll never use XP, waiting for another round:) I'm considering total reinstall of SonyShit. And here is my question: Does reinstalling of SS breakdown my CD database? I don't like to spend additional 10 hours to re-read my CD's. I made backup through SS. Can I reinstall SS and recover my database?? That's the question I can't find answer in this forum. BTW I've read a lot about how buggy is SonyShit, but I couldn't belive. Now I belive:)) Couldn't they create some personal ID? To recover all database info after reinstall? Don't say you doesn't reinstall your MSshit every year, it seems impossible to me, unless you doesn't use it at all. thanks for help
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