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  1. D_S

    Bassy Recording

    ok i ran the test with and without the rs attenuator and w/different positioning of the mics on my collar. 1) in all scenarios the recording was bassier/muddier than what my ears heard so i have the feeling that the mics might be somewhat bassy OR at least bassier than my old sony ecm-907 2) when the mics were pointed directly towards towards the speakers, the recording was a lot more detailed and clear than when they were pointed upwards or sideways. now in the home stereo case things are simple but in a club setting where i'll be getting both the sound from the stage in front of me and the PA (probably above) things could be tricky. maybe i should point them sort of towards the stage but with a slight angle upwards. 3) wow the signal attenuation is huge when using the radio shack thingie. i had to drop the rec setting to 15 from 27 to get the same signal level. now maybe my ears are playing tricks on me but i think that the recording without the rs attenuator has a tigher low end and is generally more detailed. has anyone else run a similar test?? hmm if this is the case then the decision will be tough cuz i dread the overloading/distortion i might get without the rs gizmo... and if i had to drop to 15 w/my stereo i guess that would translate to below 10 in the club setting.. problems!
  2. D_S

    Bassy Recording

    yes the rs gizmo's volume was all the way up.. i'd done some "studying" here in lurker mode. this forum is a great resource, thank you all! i don't understand what you mean by "have they been hi-fi before?". yes, it was the first time i used these mics.. the concensus seemed to be quite favourable, that's why i opted for them. btw i've had many a bass-heavy recording before with my old sony ecm-907 mic. i'll do the test with my stereo tomorrow cuz i've got a hunch the neighbours won't be very understanding if i blast it now (post-midnight here)! yes, the sound in the recording is much bassier than the sound in the venue and yes i was up front, no people in front of me or something muffling the mics and i'm pretty tall. the sound my ears were getting was not bass-heavy at all. actually, i was getting quite a lot from the guitarist's amplifier and i was afraid the recording would have turned out too cripsy BUT it was just the opposite, which makes me fear of what it will happen if the sound at the club is bassy in the first place! the mics were not really pointed upwards but more left/right. does that play such a big role to the extent that they are omnis? getting a battbox in the next few days that i will be recording is not a possibility. i'll just have to make do with what i've got and i'm not a big fan of post-recording equalization. i abide by the gigo (garbage in garbage out) maxim! do you think the hi sens setting has contributed to the bassiness/ muddiness?
  3. hi all. i recently changed my set-up to mz-n910 and the church audio b-99 binaurals and did my first concert recording w/those last night. i had the church audio mics clipped to my shirt collar connected to the radio shack attenuator which went into the mic-in of the n910. tha rec level was set 10/30. i didn't get any distortion (the signal stayed welll under -12db so i'm normalizing it) BUT all in all the recording is bass-heavy and a little muddy.. it lacks the clarity i would have liked. oh i forgot to mention that i had forgot the mic sensitivity set to HI (which explains why the meters led me to use 10 as a rec setting). don't know if that contributed to the bassiness of the recording or who the culprit is along the chain. the thing is that i intend to record a few concerts at a festival next week and i would appreciate your opinions on the best possible solution w/the set-up i have at my disposal right now.
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