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Everything posted by bobbyboy987

  1. well first of all i thought all music players were the same i have always listened my music using itunes and have been very satisfied with the functions and controls of it but recently i played a song in SonicStage and it sounds sooooo much better im not an audio freak and usually dont notice slight quality differences but this time it was noticable the vocals were crisper and the bass hit harder i think it might be the encoding setting on iTunes when i downloaded it i left everything almost default after some tweaking it looked like i had it set to AAC Encoder on the import section could this be the reason why the songs arent sounding as good as they can be? or with sonicstage u convert the songs into OpenMG to get them into the "music drive" i have read that after converting the songs they tend to sound better but i thought it was just some kind of gimmick what are your thoughts on this?
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